Companies covered
by the Opt-Out Machine

Common outcomes of privacy requests observed via the Opt-Out Machine

Company Difficulty Rating Most Common Outcome
RealSource Inc. Lack of timely response
RecruitBot, Inc. Lack of timely response
RetailMenot Lack of timely response Lack of timely response
Rich Media LLC Success no record
RocketReach LLC Success with data
Roku Lack of timely response
Rooftop Digital Success no record
Sawyer Lists, LLC Success no record
SBFE, LLC Lack of timely response
Scraping Robot, LLC Denied. Excuse: want a different way to ask about Opt-ing Out
Searchbug Lack of timely response
Search People Free Lack of timely response
Search Quarry LLC Lack of timely response
Semcasting, Inc. Complete Success
SentiLink Corp Success no record
ShareThis, Inc Lack of timely response
Simio Cloud, LLC Lack of timely response
Site Impact Complete Success
Skydeo Inc. Lack of timely response
Slashdot Media, LLC Success no record
Social Catfish LLC Complete Success
SourceIT Technologies, Inc Lack of timely response
Specialists Marketing Services, Inc. Lack of timely response
Spectrum Mailing Lists Lack of timely response