Companies covered
by the Opt-Out Machine

Common outcomes of privacy requests observed via the Opt-Out Machine

Company Difficulty Rating Most Common Outcome
Spokeo Denied. Excuse: legal arguments
SpyFly Lack of timely response
SRAX, Inc. Lack of timely response
Stirista, LLC Lack of timely response
Strategic Data Intelligence Lack of timely response
Swordfish Lack of timely response
Sync Me Success no record
Tandem Marketing, LLC Success no record
TargetSmart Communications LLC Lack of timely response
TechTarget, Inc. Success no record
Telo USA Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates Lack of timely response
Test Corp via email Success no record
ThatsThem Success with data
The Bridge Corp Complete Success
Throtle Complete Success
Tiplinks Inc Success no record
True Caller Lack of timely response
Truepeoplesearch Lack of timely response
TruthFinder, LLC Lack of timely response
Unmask Lack of timely response
UpLead Success no record
US Data Corporation Success no record
US Marketing Group Success no record
Valassis Communications, Inc. Lack of timely response Success no record